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Battleship activity in StarLogo Nova

Posted August 30, 2016 by turtle

This activity uses the idea of the classic "battleship" game to review x and y coordinates in StarLogo Nova.  Students do a pen and paper simulation of the game, and then use a base model in StarLogo Nova to review the coordinates.

Math Challenges in StarLogo TNG

Posted August 30, 2016 by turtle

This activity reviews the use of angles, heading, x, y, and z coordinates, and random ranges in StarLogo TNG. It corresponds to the coding challenges for StarLogo Nova (see related link). .

Bumper Turtles for StarLogo TNG

Posted August 30, 2016 by turtle

A coding activity to introduce students to conditional logic -- this version follows the "Pixelated Paths" activity and builds the model in Star Logo TNG. 

Random Walks with code blocks for StarLogo Nova

Posted August 30, 2016 by turtle

Modeling the movement of agents (people,molecules, cars or ideas) is an important part of modeling systems. Different agents will have varying amount of randomness in their “walks” which can have an impact on systems. In this activity, students will apply the concept of randomness to a simple StarLogo program in which the agents will use ‘random’ blocks to ‘wiggle’ as they move around SpaceLand. This programming activity follows the ‘What are the Chances?" activity.

What are the chances?

Posted August 30, 2016 by turtle

This activity to explore randomness and how to program percent chance in StarLogo Nova.

Painted Turtles for StarLogo TNG

Posted August 30, 2016 by turtle

An fun introductory coding activity in StarLogo TNG using the random blocks, which demonstrates the power of parallel programming by simultaneously using many turtles to create patterns on the screen. For StarLogo Nova, see this activity in CS in Science, Module 1.

Walk & Turn for StarLogo TNG

Posted August 25, 2016 by turtle

In this activity, students will participate in an activity called “Walk & Turn”, will see a computer model based on the same activity. Of particular interest is the interleaving of activity types; live off-line activities and computer simulations, and the juxtaposition of real and virtual worlds. Following the activity students will use the CAST to analyze the activity as a complex adaptive system. For this activity using StarLogo Nova, see CS in Science, Module 1.

Swords and Shields

Posted August 25, 2016 by turtle

Swords and Shields is an interactive simulation game which teaches students some of the basic ideas of complex adaptive systems. After playing, you can show the students a model of the game in StarLogo TNG or StarLogo Nova to discuss basic concepts of agent-based modeling. Try it, it's fun! See also the variation to this activity in Resources, and see the related activity of TryAngles.

Spring Introductory Unit for Project GUTS after-school clubs

Posted August 25, 2016 by turtle

The Project GUTS after-school clubs were structured to have 10-12 week units in the Fall and Spring Semesters, with a 4-5 weeks Introduction to StarLogo Nova and computer science concepts, followed by a 5-6 week content unit. This is the curriculum page for the Spring Semester Unit introductory weeks. It assumes students had participated in the Project GUTS club during the Fall Semester, so might require building some background knowledge and skills for students new to StarLogo Nova.

Fall Introductory Unit for Project GUTS after-school clubs

Posted August 25, 2016 by turtle

The Project GUTS after-school clubs were structured to have 10-12 week units in the Fall and Spring Semesters, with a 4-6 weeks Introduction to StarLogo Nova and computer science concepts, followed by a 4-6 week content unit. This is the curriculum page for the Fall Semester Unit introductory weeks. It assumes students are new to Project GUTS and to StarLogo Nova. If you have repeating students, see the Resources Link to Other activities to Introduce Project GUTS for additional ideas.

Social Networks for StarLogo TNG

Posted August 16, 2016 by turtle

How are people connected?  Humans are inherently social and have relationships far more complex than the random encounters often seen in agent-based modeling. These relationships can vary in strength and meaning – we see social networks that range from kinship networks, friendship networks to contact networks used in the study of epidemiology. The primary goal of this unit is to engage students in simple interactive activities to explore social network concepts and to model those concepts.

Pollution Unit for StarLogo TNG

Posted August 16, 2016 by turtle

What can we do about pollution in our town?  In this unit, students learn about pollution and the spread of contaminants from a point source. Some collect traffic data outside their schools and ask how many trees are needed at their school to maintain acceptable CO2 levels—even as traffic flow fluctuates and traffic jams form. With computer modeling, they investigate possibilities.

Geothermal Energy for StarLogo Nova

Posted August 15, 2016 by turtle

This unit was developed as a Project GUTS after-school club unit. Students learn about geology topics relating to hot springs with mineral deposits, as well as geothermal energy with hot water being heated underground and rising to the surface. Students decode a base model and add their own enhancements.

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