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Challenges in applying math basics to StarLogo TNG:
In each challenge, you should use StarLogo TNG as a 2D environment (use the swap view button in SpaceLand). First, create the required number of turtles and when you hit set-up, have the turtles appear in SpaceLand where the challenge specifies. For # 4 and 5, the turtles also need to move according to the directions, when you hit the forever button. It is easier to see the turtles in SpaceLand if you set their size to 3 in setup.
- Have 4 turtles appear in random locations in the bottom right quadrant.
- Have 1 turtle appear in a random location in each of the four quadrants.
- Have 10 turtles line up in a random line from left to right across the center.
- Have 20 turtles line up in a random line across the top of the screen. Then, have them move randomly toward the bottom of the screen.
- Have 20 turtles line up in a random line across the left side of the screen. Then, have them move randomly toward the right side of the screen.
- Have 10 turtles stand in a circle around the center of the screen, facing out.
Note to instructors: For a print-ready copy of these instructions and the solutions to the challenges, including screen shots of the blocks, see the attached file.
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