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Natural Selection Prey and Predator

Posted May 14, 2021 by sgibbs

This post includes a link to a model that can be used with the OpenSciEd Bacteria Food Hunt Unit net logo simulation.

Littering Unit

Posted April 29, 2017 by sgibbs

Littering is a type of non-point source pollution caused
 by humans acting independently from each other, however causing a global environmental problem. Controlling this source of pollution is hard to manage despite numerous interventions. Pollution of groundwater, rivers, oceans result from these everyday littering behavior whether intentional or accidental. In this unit we will model a simple form of littering and then ways to reduce it in our community.

Segregation Model

Posted April 3, 2017 by turtle

This model shows how a small preference for looking like one's neighbors can lead to a segregated society. The unit so far includes the model as a mystery model to be discussed and decoded by students, a partial piece of code with to use for decoding practice, a finished model, some background information, and a link to an on-line resource demonstrating these concepts. We are developing an off-line activity and other curriculum for this module -- stay tuned!

Pond Ecosystem Biograph project

Posted April 12, 2017 by turtle

Ecosystems are made up of interacting, interdependent parts, which are always interacting with and changing each other. Healthy ecosystems are long-lasting. In a long-lasting ecosystem the number of plants and animals may increase and decrease over time, but there are always enough individuals to reproduce and establish the next generation. In this Biograph Virtual Lab your challenge is to build a model of a long-lasting, healthy pond ecosystem using Toolblox programming blocks.

Evolution Curriculum from BioGraph

Posted April 17, 2017 by turtle

Evolution is a change in genetic information in a population that is observed over many generations, due to the random chance survival and reproduction of particular individuals. In this BioGraph Virtual Lab, you will observe how a population of fish in a pond changes over time. By the end of this activity, you will understand how random factors (genetic drift) and non-random factors (natural selection) contribute to evolution.

Enzymes: Chew on This!

Posted April 17, 2017 by turtle

Carbohydrates in food are an important source of energy for the body. When you eat starch, it must be broken down into simple sugars before your body can use it for energy. In this Biograph Virtual Lab you will use a simulation to explore the breaking down of starch into sugar. The simulation will enable you to compare and contrast the conversion of starch to sugar both with and without enzymes. This will help you understand the role of enzymes in digestion.

Gene Regulation and Protein Synthesis

Posted April 17, 2017 by turtle

Every cell in your body has a full set of genes, or ‘recipes,’ to build many different kinds of proteins (including enzymes). What causes a gene to go from its normal ‘turned off’ state (when it IS NOT building proteins) to its ‘turned on’ state (when it IS building proteins)?  To answer this question, we will zoom in and take a closer look at a gene and its environment to see how and why a specific protein is made.  

Sugar Transport Activity

Posted April 17, 2017 by turtle

Have you ever drank a can of soda and suddenly felt more energetic? In this Biograph Virtual Lab, you will use a simulation to explore how the glucose molecules from the soda move from the lumen of your small intestine, across the membranes of your epithelial cells, and into your bloodstream. (Ultimately, the glucose in your bloodstream will move into your body’s cells).

Traffic Unit for StarLogo Nova

Posted April 28, 2017 by sgibbs

This unit engages students in the use of agent-based modeling to look into why we have traffic jams and test ideas to try to improve traffic flow, and demonstrates the use of simulation to solve difficult engineering problems. Specifically we focus on the problem of traffic bottleneck congestion. A secondary goal is to further students’ understanding of the network concept as a way to model real world flows of data and matter.

Emergency Egress

Posted May 8, 2017 by turtle

Emergency Egress is the study of people exiting a building or other social gathering space in an emergency situation. This unit explores models and other ways to analyze the safety of a building and to evaluate which elements may affect how quickly and safely a space may be evacuated. It also discusses the issues of modeling humans in emergency situations.

Shared Resources - Economics

Posted May 10, 2017 by turtle

As the human population grows, it has become increasingly important to understand how humans are impacting the environment and how resources are managed and used. Often, this type of understanding falls under the topic of Sustainability in which the needs of the present population are met without compromising the needs of future generations. In this unit, we look at a variety of resources, through the lens of complex adaptive systems, especially studying feedback and interdependence.

CS in Science Module 3: Ecosystems as Complex Systems (for StarLogo Nova 2.0)

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

This Life Science module begins with an exploration of a simple predator-prey model to consider who eats whom—and what happens when one population grows faster than another. Students develop their own model of a local ecosystem and learn about ecosystem dynamics, producers and consumers, and interdependent relationships within an ecosystem. This module has been updated for StarLogo Nova 2.0 (HTML5/JavaScript version, updated 2017).

Opinion Dynamics for StarLogo Nova

Posted July 29, 2016 by turtle

This unit explores Opinion Dynamics as an aspect of human society that can be studied as a complex adaptive system. In modeling opinion formation and dynamics, agents representing humans can influence and be influenced by other agents locally through one-on-one interactions. It could be modified to model global influences (like media).

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