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Unit Overview:
Lesson 1: Introduction to littering as non-point-source pollution
- Random walk activity (see instructions linked below) and data sheet
- Random walk coding activity
- Lesson 1 Littering coding activity (See Progress monitor)
Lesson 2: Appearance Matters
- Video on Broken Window Theory and news article (video)
- Coding activity (Littering-Litterbugs Appearance Matters) (See Progress monitor).
- Compare graphs in this model (exponential growth)
Lesson 3: Littering With Trash Cans
- Do you litter? video
- Litter strategies Game-role playing (Quizlet)
- Coding activity: (See Progress Monitor)
- Use the model to run experiments (Experimental Design Form)
Lesson 4: Introducing Cleaners
- Coding activity. (See Progress monitor)
- Use the model to run experiments (Experimental Design Form)
Lesson 5: Experiments and Model Design
- Add instrumentation (Widgets: Data boxes, Sliders for Independent variables, graphs) and run experiments
- Plan extensions to your model (Project Design Form)
Lesson 6: Experimentation, Analyzing data and Presentation
- Modify your model to experiment and gather data about littering
- Analyze data and present results
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