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Unit Overview - (see attached document below)
For more details on each lesson, see Progress Monitor and Pacing Guide
Lesson 1:
- Fishbanks activity
- Link to slide presentation by Cloud Institute on Fishbanks activity
- Decode the Base model of fishbanks
- Make lesson 1 modifications - see Progress Monitor
- Possible solution
Lesson 2:
- Papercatchers Activity
- Discuss shared resources as Complex Adaptive System - see CAS Concepts and CAST Diagram (see link below)
- Make lesson 2 modifications - see Progress Monitor (add time limitation (fishing season for example) and fish reproduction). Possible solution
Lesson 3:
- Prisoner's Dilemma video (watch first, this video helps explain the game)
- Prisoner's Dilemma (Tit for Tat) Activity - instructions for playing and data sheet
- Optional video showing a different example of the game (watch after playing)
- Lesson 3 modifications - see Progress Monitor (add new source of income to base model (buy and sell ships)) Possible solution
Lesson 4:
- Feedback Loops video
- See explanation of Feedback loops (attached below)
- Optional video (Daisy world)
- Remix lesson 3 model to add fuel cost - see Progress Monitor and possible solution
- Experiment with different teacher-designed strategies and use this form to collect data
Lesson 5:
- Use Experimental Design Form to design and run student-led experiments with model and collect data
- Use Project Design Form to plan modification to existing model
Lesson 6:
- Customize model, conduct experiments, collect and analyze data
- Present results and conclusions