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Battle of the Agents

Posted March 29, 2017 by turtle

A take on the classic board game Battleship, this paper and pencil activity is a fun way to help students understand the use of x and y coordinates in StarLogo Nova. After the activity, students can use the StarLogo Nova model to experiment with x and y locations in a game-like context.

Painted Turtles for StarLogo TNG

Posted August 30, 2016 by turtle

An fun introductory coding activity in StarLogo TNG using the random blocks, which demonstrates the power of parallel programming by simultaneously using many turtles to create patterns on the screen. For StarLogo Nova, see this activity in CS in Science, Module 1.

What are the chances?

Posted August 30, 2016 by turtle

This activity to explore randomness and how to program percent chance in StarLogo Nova.

Random Walks with code blocks for StarLogo Nova

Posted August 30, 2016 by turtle

Modeling the movement of agents (people,molecules, cars or ideas) is an important part of modeling systems. Different agents will have varying amount of randomness in their “walks” which can have an impact on systems. In this activity, students will apply the concept of randomness to a simple StarLogo program in which the agents will use ‘random’ blocks to ‘wiggle’ as they move around SpaceLand. This programming activity follows the ‘What are the Chances?" activity.

Bumper Turtles for StarLogo TNG

Posted August 30, 2016 by turtle

A coding activity to introduce students to conditional logic -- this version follows the "Pixelated Paths" activity and builds the model in Star Logo TNG. 

Math Challenges in StarLogo TNG

Posted August 30, 2016 by turtle

This activity reviews the use of angles, heading, x, y, and z coordinates, and random ranges in StarLogo TNG. It corresponds to the coding challenges for StarLogo Nova (see related link). .

Battleship activity in StarLogo Nova

Posted August 30, 2016 by turtle

This activity uses the idea of the classic "battleship" game to review x and y coordinates in StarLogo Nova.  Students do a pen and paper simulation of the game, and then use a base model in StarLogo Nova to review the coordinates.

Decoding a model

Posted September 1, 2016 by turtle

Decoding a model is an on computer activity in which students are challenged to decode a model.

What are the chances?

Posted March 30, 2017 by turtle

An off-line activity to introduce students to concepts of randomness and how to program percent chance using a slider in StarLogo Nova. and SLNova Computer Science Concepts

Posted May 13, 2017 by kristico

This is a 4 week unit for a Computer Technology class in a middle school. Students are introduced to computer science concepts through lessons in's Course 3. Students then apply those concepts in SLNova projects.

Interview with Hal Scheintaub

Posted August 2, 2017 by ilee

Teachers with GUTS interviewed Hal Scheintaub and demo of StarLogo Nova models created by his students on August 2, 2017.


Posted August 3, 2017 by arodriguez

Students struggle understanding proportional relationships and scaling shapes. This module allows students to scale one shape and transfer it to 3 different environments. Students will create a game online (SL Nova) and program a Sphero (robot) while learning the math standards.

Workshop Planning Guide

Posted August 4, 2017 by sgibbs

A list of factors to consider for facilitators and school districts or partner organizations in planning a workshop.

Block-based agent-based modeling tool based on Scratch

Posted September 25, 2017 by Rizzi

Cellular is an agent-based modeling tool that uses a Scratch-like interface and allows teachers and students to create models and simulations in a very easy way. This makes this tool suitable to introduce ABM into the Primary level but also in Middle & High School taking advantage of previous students experience with Scratch. Cellular is based on Snap wich it's also based on Scratch. And you can also work off-line!!

CS in Science Module 5: Greenhouse Gases slide presentation

Posted July 27, 2018 by sgibbs

This slide presentation can be used for CS in Science Module 5: Greenhouse Gases. Teachers can download and modify this presentation for classroom use. Also note that this presentation was specifically developed for use in a module exploring climate change and water, but the first several slides include good general information.

Alternate activities to introduce Project GUTS

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

Sometimes, teachers have a students who have already participated in Project GUTS introductory activities, and want to use something different, or want another activity to expand a lesson. Below are links to some alternate activities, both hands-on and on-line, for you to explore.

Walk & Turn for StarLogo TNG

Posted August 25, 2016 by turtle

In this activity, students will participate in an activity called “Walk & Turn”, will see a computer model based on the same activity. Of particular interest is the interleaving of activity types; live off-line activities and computer simulations, and the juxtaposition of real and virtual worlds. Following the activity students will use the CAST to analyze the activity as a complex adaptive system. For this activity using StarLogo Nova, see CS in Science, Module 1.

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