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File format for custom shapes?
I've not been able to get a custom shape to import. I've tried stl and obj. Is there another file format or size limit of which I should be aware? My students would love to have more shapes available.
Turning Built-in Shapes
I'm sure there's an easy solution to this, but some of the built-in shapes are at odd angles. For example, the car is set with its nose turned down. Is there a way to rotate the car so it isn't at this angle?
Scientific Practices and Computational Thinking in Modeling & Simulation
Photos of abstractions - Pathfinders 2018
Post you photos of abstractions here.
An abstraction is a representation of a thing or idea that keeps only the most important features and discards unimportant ones.
Photos of Abstraction - CodeVA
Post your photos of abstractions here.
An abstraction is a representation of a thing or idea that keeps only the most important features and discards unimportant ones.
Extension to Water as Shared Resource
We have designed and programmed a new extension to Water as a shared resource to show how addition of life to ecosystem will affect it. In addition, you can change the number of animals presented in the model, the length of the pump, modify the pressure at each pump, etc. The data output is presented as the Data Blocks and the Graph.
Here is the link:
We would love to see a model created based on genetics.
Hi from New Mexico
Hi Forum Members,
Jeri Lyn and Phil here in New Mexico enjoying our summer GUTS pd. We can't wait to get started in the fall with our students!
Levon Beach Abstraction