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MSM Unit 1, Lesson 1: Introducing Ratios
Block-based agent-based modeling tool based on Scratch
Dice and Data Activity for Virtual Instruction
Water Pump Model Unit of Measurement
I was just wondering what units the water pump model is measuring? What would make sense in terms of the amount of water in an aquifer, amount of rainfall and amount pumped by a well?
Corrupt Program?
Hey all!
We are having an issue with one device in our cohort which, upon refreshing the page, something happens in which the program stops running. This particular participant has lost numerous programs they have created. We have sent the links to several other devices to see if the device is freezing up, but all of the other computers are unable to run the programs as well. We also tried running the program on other browsers. We have cross referenced the code several times and there seem to be no issues.
Has anyone else ever run into this issue?
Module 1 Lesson 4 - Probability with Dice and Data and Colliding Turtles
Module 1 Lesson 5 - Modeling the Spread of Disease
Module 2 Lesson 1 - Introduction to Water as a Shared Resource
Detecting percentage of terrain in a color
Several of my students would like programs they're working on to not only detect the color of the terrain in a specific location (we've got that set) but also to detect percentage of terrain of a specific color.
If making a game or simulation where the ground is burning, the color is going from green to black. Is there a way to detect the percentage of terrain which is black?