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Biology+C – Natural Selection and Evolution: Natural Selection in Moths

Posted June 13, 2024 by bperret

This unit reviews concepts related to natural selection and Darwin’s theory of evolution. It provides students with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the process of natural selection and how it can be represented and demonstrated using computer models.

Biology+C – Enzymes: Food Digestion

Posted June 13, 2024 by bperret

The unit provides students with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of process and how they can be represented and demonstrated using computer models.

Science+C Intro Unit: Epidemics

Posted June 13, 2024 by bperret

This unit introduces students to using models as scientific testbeds, the NetLogo interface, and the basics of the model code by exploring how disease spreads through a population.

Biology+C – Experimenting with Photosynthesis

Posted June 13, 2024 by bperret

Photosynthesis is a dynamic process through which plants turn carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates such as glucose while releasing oxygen as a byproduct.

Guía de observación de un modelo basado en agentes

Posted May 16, 2017 by Rizzi

Se trata de una guía para poder observar un modelo basado en agentes y reconocer sus diferentes partes, como por ejemplo las abstracciones (quiénes son los agentes, cuál es el entorno, cuáles son las interacciones); la automatización; los supuestos y el análisis.


Posted March 30, 2017 by turtle

As a virus spreads through a community, epidemiologists might study how far a disease has spread, how quickly it spreads and how infectious it can be as well a numerous other pieces of data in order to understand the disease and its potential impact on a community. In this activity, students will simulate the spread of a virus such as the flu. Students will work in pairs to accumulate data using graph paper, a data chart, and a die. Before starting, groups will need to decide on three variables.

Daisy world

Posted April 3, 2017 by turtle

A model demonstrating the albedo effect of black or white surfaces. Use as a part of the Climate Change and Agriculture Project GUTS Curricular Unit, or as a stand-alone model, activity, and video.

Scavenger Hunt for Teachers

Posted April 3, 2017 by turtle

This scavenger hunt asks teachers to locate various Project GUTS resources. A fun tool to increase familiarity with Project GUTS and what's available.

Understanding by Design

Posted April 5, 2017 by turtle

Understanding by Design (UbD) curriculum offers a 3-stage “backward design” framework for developing units of study. The same process guides larger-scale curriculum development for courses and
programs (macro level). The UbD curriculum structure for building a coherent curriculum spirals around “big ideas,” essential questions, and core assessments.


Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

Papercatchers is a participatory simulation in which students learn about population growth and limits to growth. Students play the role of members of a growing population, follow simple rules governing survival and reproduction, and collect and graph data.

Papeles en el viento ("Papercatchers")

Posted May 17, 2017 by Rizzi

"Papeles en el viento" (Papercatchers) es una simulación participativa en la que los estudiantes aprenden sobre el crecimiento de la población y los límites al crecimiento. Los estudiantes desempeñan el papel de miembros de una población creciente, siguen reglas sencillas que rigen la supervivencia y la reproducción, y recopilan y grafican datos.

¿Complejo o complicado?

Posted May 17, 2017 by Rizzi

¿Complejo o Complicado? utiliza una presentación de diapositivas para crear una actividad que se utiliza para involucrar a los estudiantes en argumentar basándose en evidencias y mejorar su comprensión sobre los sistemas adaptativos complejos.

What's Represented?

Posted June 12, 2019 by ilee

These exercises ask the learner to identify abstractions in the computer model as compared to a diagram or image of a natural phenomenon.

Simulación de un brote de Dengue

Posted March 29, 2017 by Rizzi

Este modelo simula la transmisión del virus del dengue en un barrio de cuatro manzanas durante 180 días. El vector del virus es el mosquito Aedes egyptii. La simulación muestra un gráfico con la evolución del brote (el cambio en la cantidad de personas sanas y de personas infectadas), otro gráfico con la evolución de la población de mosquitos y unos monitores que indican el estado de la población de mosquitos y cuántas personas fueron infectadas.

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