How One Small School District Embraces CS Education This is a fantastic article about how Computer Science education is embraced and supported in the small town of Melrose, NM. It highlights the work of Alan Dougherty (science teacher, and bus driver for the district) as he leads student teams to compete in the Supercomputing Challenge. Alan was a participant in the NM-CSforAll PD program and a past participant in Project GUTS PDs offered in concert with the Supercomputing Challenge.
Project GUTS at CSEdWeek Kickoff in San Mateo, CA This year, Paige Prescott and Sheena Vaidyanathan will be representing Project GUTS at the CS Ed Week Kickoff conference in San Mateo, CA. The organizers are expecting to have around 100 district administrators from all over the country at the event. Project GUTS will have a booth at the showcase to talk to attendees about how they can implement computer science in science at their schools/districts.
Data Science lesson for Hour of Code Project GUTS, in collaboration with the MIT AppInventor team and University of Massachusetts Lowell, have developed a Data Science activity for this year's Hour of Code. It's geared towards students in 6th grade and older and features crowd-sourced data collection through the Pop Culture app (on an Android phone) and data analysis in
Why CS Belongs in Every Science Classroom Project GUTS teacher and supporter Sheena Vaidyanathan wrote a terrific article for EdSurge on "Why Computer Science Belongs in Every Science Teacher's Classroom" (November 16, 2013). She focuses on data analysis and computer modeling and simulation as NGSS practices that can be "brought to life" with tools like StarLogo Nova. Project GUTS was recommended as a place to get
Project GUTS at To Code and Beyond - CSNYC Project GUTS participated on a panel at the To Code and Beyond conference on November 3, 2017 in New York City at the fabulous new Cornell Tech campus. The panel was on Integrating CS across the curriculum and featured lively discussion of the benefits and challenges involved.
MIT STEP/EA releases StarLogo Nova 2.0 MIT Scheller Teacher Education Program / Education Arcade is pleased to announce the release of StarLogo Nova 2.0, the long awaited HTML5/JavaScript version of StarLogo Nova. This new version contains many new features, easy to use interface elements, and fixes many previous issues encountered by the teachers in our community.
Project GUTS partners with CSNYC and Tata Consulting Services to offer workshop Project GUTS partnered with CSNYC to offer a 3 day professional development workshop at Microsoft Times Square in NYC on August 28-30, 2017. This workshop, facilitated by Su Gibbs, Paige Prescott and Irene Lee, prepared NYC teachers to integrate the CS in Science curricular modules into regular school day science classes.
Santa Fe Design Workshop Participants Produce New Lessons This summer, a small but determined group of experienced Project GUTS teachers from Santa Fe, New Mexico met to share out some pedagogic changes they made to existing curriculum, and to create new curriculum to meet the needs of their students.
Project GUTS at NSTA STEM Forum and Expo Project GUTS has been on the road this summer, spreading the news about modelling and simulation!
Interview with Cristián Rizzi Here's a video of the interview with our colleague Cristián Rizzi (the interview starts around 00:05:30). Cristián translated the Project GUTS MOOC and many resources into Spanish. He talks about new developments in modeling and simulation that excite him.
GUTS Alum on Winning Supercomputer Challenge Team Photo (from left): Kathy Keith, director of Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Community Partnerships Office and Supercomputing Challenge winners Theo Goujon, Lisel Faust, Ramona Park, Rowan Cahill (GUTS alumni), and their teachers Hope Cahill (former GUTS club leader) and Brian Smith, and Shaun Cooper, the awards ceremony MC.
Project GUTS presentation at NSTA conference John Sweeney, an 8th grade teacher at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School in Cordova, Tennessee, wrote to tell us he will be giving a presentation on Project GUTS at the NSTA national conference in Los Angeles next week!
Project GUTS Marketplace is Now Open We have opened a new Marketplace where teachers, school districts, and other Project GUTS PD providers can purchase our printed CS in Science curriculum binders and StarLogo Nova block cards on demand. We are using Mimeo as the provider as we have found their print on demand service to be exemplary. Mimeo can work with districts and schools to set up invoicing via PO or can accept payment directly using a credit card.