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Skill Building Deck

Posted June 12, 2019 by ilee

A slide deck of exercises to build CS and decoding skills

Guía de observación de un modelo basado en agentes

Posted May 16, 2017 by Rizzi

Se trata de una guía para poder observar un modelo basado en agentes y reconocer sus diferentes partes, como por ejemplo las abstracciones (quiénes son los agentes, cuál es el entorno, cuáles son las interacciones); la automatización; los supuestos y el análisis.

Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in StarLogo TNG

Posted August 16, 2016 by turtle

What do we know about climate change? This unit discusses climate change: what it means, what the difference is between climate and weather, and evidence of climate change. It also discusses the global climate system as a complex system with feedback loops, and the current state of the art in the computational modeling of climate change. Our goal is to clarify what is known, what scientists guess is happening, and how climate change impacts our environment and species.

Science of Friendship

Posted August 16, 2016 by turtle

Why do humans help some people and not others?  This Project GUTS unit explores this question and allows students to test their own assumptions. Using methods and data from anthropology, sociology and psychology and computer modeling in NetLogo, students investigate the role of cooperation in human interactions—and how cooperation plays a role in global issues such as resource management, health equity and climate change.

Opinion Dynamics with StarLogo TNG

Posted August 25, 2016 by turtle

Does Your Opinion Count? 
People form opinions on topics from current styles to political issues to product preferences, and often our opinions are based on information from others, rather than on our own experience. In this unit, we explore Opinion Dynamics as an aspect of human society that can be studied as a complex adaptive system. Here, agents representing humans can influence and be influenced by other agents both directly (one-on-one) and on a more global scale (advertising, etc).

Traffic Patterns for StarLogo TNG

Posted November 24, 2016 by turtle

Why do traffic jams form?

Each year the number of paved miles grows by roughly 20,000 miles. When traffic gets too congested, traffic engineers must consider changes to existing roads or intersections. This unit engages students in interactive activities to explore pattern formation in complex systems, and in the use, modification, and creation of agent-based models to conduct experiments on simple virtual traffic systems, to study whether proposed road changes will the desired effect.

Formulario de diseño experimental

Posted March 27, 2017 by Rizzi

Una copia imprimible del formulario de diseño experimental, utilizada en los Módulos Científicos de Project GUTS, para que los estudiantes planifiquen un experimento, incluyendo la identificación de variables, la planificación de la recopilación y el análisis de datos y la interpretación. Traducción del original en Inglés.

Pioneros (Trailblazers)

Posted March 28, 2017 by Rizzi

Pioneros (Trailblazers) es una actividad divertida con lápiz y papel donde los estudiantes escriben instrucciones sencillas para que otro estudiante navegue por un laberinto. Las instrucciones se dibujan en el laberinto como comandos (si el cuadrado es rojo, gire a la derecha, etc.) y luego los estudiantes intercambian papeles para navegar por el laberinto siguiendo solamente los comandos. Esta es una actividad preliminar para la actividad de codificación de las tortugas chocadoras.

Modeling Ecosystems in StarLogo Nova

Posted June 2, 2017 by sgibbs

This document gives background information and is a guide to CS in Science, Module 3 (Ecosystems) and building the rabbits and grass model.

Model Observation Form

Posted July 27, 2018 by ilee

This form is used to capture a learner's thinking while observing a model.

Kinesthetic Flower Turtles Activity

Posted August 3, 2017 by carl

This activity is an extension to the CS in Science Module 1, Lesson 2, between activity 1 and activity 2. It is a kinesthetic activity to show how the agents behave according to a certain program. It can replace the activity that is there or be used as an extension or add on to the listed activities.

Exploring the Wiggle Walk and Collisions via a Kinesthetic Activity

Posted August 4, 2017 by jhenderson

This activity teaches the Wiggle Walk blocks (random right by ___ degrees, random left by___ degrees), through a kinesthetic activity and explores when a programmer would want to code agents to move this way. It avoids the statical analysis of the random probabilities found in Module One, Lesson 4 Activity 1: Probability with Dice and Data and Colliding Turtles, while still addressing the end goals of the Module One Lesson 4.


Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

Trailblazers is a fun pencil and paper activity where students write simple instructions for another student to navigate a maze. The instructions are drawn on the maze as commands (if square is red, turn right, etc.) and then students exchange papers to navigate the maze following only the commands. This is a preliminary activity for the Bumper Turtles coding activity.

Scientific Practices Form

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

A printable copy of the Scientific Practices Form used throughout CS in Science Modules.

Project Design Form

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

A printable copy of the Project Design Form, used in Project GUTS CS in Science Modules.

Model Design Form

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

Here are pdf, docx, and google docs links to the Model Design Form, used in Project GUTS CS in Science Modules.

Experimental Design Form

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

A printable copy of the experimental design form, used in Project GUTS CS in Science Modules, for students to plan an experiment, including identifying variables, planning data collection and analysis, and interpretation.

Introduction to Climate Modeling

Posted July 27, 2018 by sgibbs

This document gives background information for students to use with CS in Science Module 5 (Greenhouse Gas).

Water as a Shared Resource for StarLogo TNG

Posted August 16, 2016 by turtle

As the human population grows, it is becoming increasingly important to understand how humans affect the environment and to consider how we are using and managing our limited resources. This unit examines water as an important resource to be shared and managed to ensure its future availability.

This unit explores water as a shared resource using StarLogo TNG. For the related unit using StarLogo NOVA, see CS in Science Curriculum Module 2.

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