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Slides for 5 day workshop

Posted February 17, 2018 by sgibbs

These generic slides for a 5-day CS in Science workshop have been updated for StarLogo Nova 2.0

Papeles en el viento ("Papercatchers")

Posted May 17, 2017 by Rizzi

"Papeles en el viento" (Papercatchers) es una simulación participativa en la que los estudiantes aprenden sobre el crecimiento de la población y los límites al crecimiento. Los estudiantes desempeñan el papel de miembros de una población creciente, siguen reglas sencillas que rigen la supervivencia y la reproducción, y recopilan y grafican datos.

¿Complejo o complicado?

Posted May 17, 2017 by Rizzi

¿Complejo o Complicado? utiliza una presentación de diapositivas para crear una actividad que se utiliza para involucrar a los estudiantes en argumentar basándose en evidencias y mejorar su comprensión sobre los sistemas adaptativos complejos.

Workshop Planning Guide

Posted August 4, 2017 by sgibbs

A list of factors to consider for facilitators and school districts or partner organizations in planning a workshop.

Slides for 3 day workshop

Posted February 17, 2018 by sgibbs

These are generic slides we've used for 3 day workshops. They have been updated to show the correct screen shots of StarLogo Nova 2.0.

Teaching Equity Resources

Posted June 4, 2018 by sgibbs

Here are links to the resources used in CS in Science workshops to discuss equity in computer science.

NGSS Standards

Posted October 14, 2019 by ilee

Document highlighting the conceptual shifts in the Next Generation Science Standards

Emergence video

Posted July 27, 2018 by sgibbs

A portion of a PBS NOVA video discussing the concept of emergence (or complex adaptive systems) where patterns emerge in nature where agents follow simple rules.

What's Represented?

Posted June 12, 2019 by ilee

These exercises ask the learner to identify abstractions in the computer model as compared to a diagram or image of a natural phenomenon.

Skill Building Deck

Posted June 12, 2019 by ilee

A slide deck of exercises to build CS and decoding skills

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