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BCSC 5e Instructional Model

Posted April 5, 2017 by turtle

BSCS (Biological Sciences Curriculum Study) paper explaining the 5e instructional model. The model describes a teaching sequence that can be used for entire programs, specific units, and individual lessons. The BSCS 5E Instructional Model plays a significant role in the curriculum development process as well as the enactment of curricular materials in science classrooms.

Teacher testimonial: Corinna Low

Posted December 2, 2016 by turtle

This video shows an interview of Corinna Low, a middle school science teacher from South San Francisco.

Teacher encouragement

Posted December 2, 2016 by turtle

In this video, Corinna Low give teachers words of encouragement to try the Project GUTS CS in Science curriculum.

Models in the Classroom

Posted December 2, 2016 by turtle

In this video, GUTS teachers talk about using models within science classrooms.

Dispositions and Classroom Culture

Posted December 2, 2016 by turtle

In this video, GUTS teachers talk about instilling dispositions and classroom culture that supports scientific inquiry and the development of computational thinking.

Scavenger Hunt for Teachers

Posted April 3, 2017 by turtle

This scavenger hunt asks teachers to locate various Project GUTS resources. A fun tool to increase familiarity with Project GUTS and what's available.

Rubric ideas for assessing computer models

Posted April 5, 2017 by turtle

In December 2015, teachers were asked for their ideas on 4 important criteria to include in any rubric used to assess computer models. Here are their ideas, in a forum discussion.

Guía de estudiantes para la actividad "Dados y datos" (Dice & Data)

Posted May 16, 2017 by Rizzi

Esta es la hoja de actividad para los estudiantes para "Dados y datos", una actividad de probabilidad. La probabilidad juega un rol importante en los modelos de sistemas complejos adaptativos. En esta actividad se programan agentes para imitar el movimiento de criaturas en el mundo real. También eventos aleatorios que ocurren cuando los agentes interactúen como por ejemplo contagiar una persona a otra.

Papeles en el viento ("Papercatchers")

Posted May 17, 2017 by Rizzi

"Papeles en el viento" (Papercatchers) es una simulación participativa en la que los estudiantes aprenden sobre el crecimiento de la población y los límites al crecimiento. Los estudiantes desempeñan el papel de miembros de una población creciente, siguen reglas sencillas que rigen la supervivencia y la reproducción, y recopilan y grafican datos.

¿Complejo o complicado?

Posted May 17, 2017 by Rizzi

¿Complejo o Complicado? utiliza una presentación de diapositivas para crear una actividad que se utiliza para involucrar a los estudiantes en argumentar basándose en evidencias y mejorar su comprensión sobre los sistemas adaptativos complejos.

Emergence video

Posted July 27, 2018 by sgibbs

A portion of a PBS NOVA video discussing the concept of emergence (or complex adaptive systems) where patterns emerge in nature where agents follow simple rules.

Skill Building Deck

Posted June 12, 2019 by ilee

A slide deck of exercises to build CS and decoding skills

Computational Thinking

Posted December 2, 2016 by turtle

This video introduces computational thinking. It was produced by Project GUTS with

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