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Block-based agent-based modeling tool based on Scratch

Posted September 25, 2017 by Rizzi

Cellular is an agent-based modeling tool that uses a Scratch-like interface and allows teachers and students to create models and simulations in a very easy way. This makes this tool suitable to introduce ABM into the Primary level but also in Middle & High School taking advantage of previous students experience with Scratch. Cellular is based on Snap wich it's also based on Scratch. And you can also work off-line!!

Shared Resources - Economics

Posted May 10, 2017 by turtle

As the human population grows, it has become increasingly important to understand how humans are impacting the environment and how resources are managed and used. Often, this type of understanding falls under the topic of Sustainability in which the needs of the present population are met without compromising the needs of future generations. In this unit, we look at a variety of resources, through the lens of complex adaptive systems, especially studying feedback and interdependence.

Feedback loops

Posted May 15, 2017 by sgibbs

This document provides background information on feedback loops in complex adaptive systems.

Guía de referencia de bloques de StarLogo NOVA

Posted May 16, 2017 by Rizzi

Se trata de una guía que describe los bloques de comandos más comunes utilizados en StarLogo NOVA en el curso MOOC de Project GUTS en español. Están agrupados según el módulo en que se utilizan.

Guía de conceptos de ciencias de la computación

Posted May 16, 2017 by Rizzi

Se trata de una guía que describe varios conceptos de ciencias de la computación agrupados por categorías como eventos, instrucciones y programas, iteraciones, etc.
Explica y ejemplifica diferentes conceptos como por ejemplo: ¿Qué es un bucle o loop?

Bloques de código para modelo de cambio climático

Posted May 16, 2017 by Rizzi

Es una hoja de referencia con los bloques de código necesarios para el modelo de cambio climático. Se explica bloque por bloque qué función cumple cada estructura en cada pestaña de la programación con StarLogo NOVA.

StarLogo NOVA 2.0: ¿Qué cambió y qué es lo nuevo?

Posted September 25, 2017 by Rizzi

Spanish version of "SLNOVA 2.0: WHAT'S CHANGED OR NEW".

Versión en español del documento "SLNOVA 2.0: WHAT'S CHANGED OR NEW" con la comparación entre ambas versiones y el detalle de las nuevas funcionalidades de SLNOVA 2.0

What is a Complex Adaptive System?

Posted July 26, 2018 by sgibbs

A brief explanation of the characteristics of Complex Adaptive Systems, with a few examples of activities that demonstrate these characteristics.

CS in Science Module 1: Introduction to Computer Modeling and Simulation (StarLogo Nova 2.0)

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

Module 1 introduces basic concepts in modeling complex systems through hands-on activities and participatory simulations. A scaffolded series of highly-engaging design and build activities guide students through developing their first computer model in StarLogo Nova 2.0, a modeling and simulation environment developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Code Blocks for CS in Science Module 1: Intro to Computer Science & Simulation

Posted July 27, 2018 by sgibbs

Here are links to the Code Blocks for CS in Science Module 1, for StarLogo Nova 1.0 (Flash version), and the Code Blocks for CS in Science Module 1 for StarLogo Nova 2.0 (HTML5/JavaScript version). This is not the one-page Blocks and Drawers Guide for StarLogo Nova (those documents are linked below).

CS Concepts Guide

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

This is a guide to CS concepts in the order they are introduced in the CS in Science modules.

CS in Science Module 2: Shared Water Resources (StarLogo Nova 2.0)

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

In this Earth Science module, students will investigate the importance of ground water and the impacts of water usage on aquifer levels. They will also explore how to model important parts of the water cycle, including evaporation and infiltration of water into different types of soils to recharge the aquifers. This updated resource corresponds to StarLogo Nova 2.0 (HTML5/JavaScript version), a modeling and simulation environment developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

CS in Science: Module 1 Additional Resources

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

Ready to implement? Here are some additional resources and links to other Teachers with GUTS pages to help you with CS in Science, Module 1 (Introduction to Computer Modeling and Simulation). Some of the resources refer specifically to StarLogo Nova 1.0 (teacher videos) and others to StarLogo Nova 2.0 (link to models gallery). Check the relevant page for CS in Science Module 1 for the version of StarLogo Nova you are using.

Computer Science Concepts Guide for CS in Science Modules

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

This summary of Computer Science concepts introduced in CS in Science Modules can be used with either StarLogo Nova 1.0 or StarLogo Nova 2.0. It lists and explains the various concepts, organized by when they are introduced in the CS in Science curriculum.

Emergency Egress

Posted May 8, 2017 by turtle

Emergency Egress is the study of people exiting a building or other social gathering space in an emergency situation. This unit explores models and other ways to analyze the safety of a building and to evaluate which elements may affect how quickly and safely a space may be evacuated. It also discusses the issues of modeling humans in emergency situations.

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