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Skill Building Deck

Posted June 12, 2019 by ilee

A slide deck of exercises to build CS and decoding skills

Interview with Hal Scheintaub

Posted August 2, 2017 by ilee

Teachers with GUTS interviewed Hal Scheintaub and demo of StarLogo Nova models created by his students on August 2, 2017.

Shared Resources - Economics

Posted May 10, 2017 by turtle

As the human population grows, it has become increasingly important to understand how humans are impacting the environment and how resources are managed and used. Often, this type of understanding falls under the topic of Sustainability in which the needs of the present population are met without compromising the needs of future generations. In this unit, we look at a variety of resources, through the lens of complex adaptive systems, especially studying feedback and interdependence.

Guía de conceptos de ciencias de la computación

Posted May 16, 2017 by Rizzi

Se trata de una guía que describe varios conceptos de ciencias de la computación agrupados por categorías como eventos, instrucciones y programas, iteraciones, etc.
Explica y ejemplifica diferentes conceptos como por ejemplo: ¿Qué es un bucle o loop?

Guía de observación de un modelo basado en agentes

Posted May 16, 2017 by Rizzi

Se trata de una guía para poder observar un modelo basado en agentes y reconocer sus diferentes partes, como por ejemplo las abstracciones (quiénes son los agentes, cuál es el entorno, cuáles son las interacciones); la automatización; los supuestos y el análisis.

Bloques de código para modelo de cambio climático

Posted May 16, 2017 by Rizzi

Es una hoja de referencia con los bloques de código necesarios para el modelo de cambio climático. Se explica bloque por bloque qué función cumple cada estructura en cada pestaña de la programación con StarLogo NOVA.

Modeling Ecosystems in StarLogo Nova

Posted June 2, 2017 by sgibbs

This document gives background information and is a guide to CS in Science, Module 3 (Ecosystems) and building the rabbits and grass model.

Data and Data Analysis video

Posted July 3, 2017 by sgibbs

A very short video (0.36) introducing the concepts of data and data analysis from StarLogo Nova models.

Computer Science Concepts Guide for CS in Science Modules

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

This summary of Computer Science concepts introduced in CS in Science Modules can be used with either StarLogo Nova 1.0 or StarLogo Nova 2.0. It lists and explains the various concepts, organized by when they are introduced in the CS in Science curriculum.

What is a Complex Adaptive System?

Posted July 26, 2018 by sgibbs

A brief explanation of the characteristics of Complex Adaptive Systems, with a few examples of activities that demonstrate these characteristics.


Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

Trailblazers is a fun pencil and paper activity where students write simple instructions for another student to navigate a maze. The instructions are drawn on the maze as commands (if square is red, turn right, etc.) and then students exchange papers to navigate the maze following only the commands. This is a preliminary activity for the Bumper Turtles coding activity.

CS Concepts Guide

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

This is a guide to CS concepts in the order they are introduced in the CS in Science modules.

Scientific Practices Form

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

A printable copy of the Scientific Practices Form used throughout CS in Science Modules.

Project Design Form

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

A printable copy of the Project Design Form, used in Project GUTS CS in Science Modules.

Model Design Form

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

Here are pdf, docx, and google docs links to the Model Design Form, used in Project GUTS CS in Science Modules.

Experimental Design Form

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

A printable copy of the experimental design form, used in Project GUTS CS in Science Modules, for students to plan an experiment, including identifying variables, planning data collection and analysis, and interpretation.

Emergency Egress

Posted May 8, 2017 by turtle

Emergency Egress is the study of people exiting a building or other social gathering space in an emergency situation. This unit explores models and other ways to analyze the safety of a building and to evaluate which elements may affect how quickly and safely a space may be evacuated. It also discusses the issues of modeling humans in emergency situations.

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