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Neural Network Game

Posted December 10, 2019 by ilee

This is a presentation / activity presented at AAAI/AI4k12 2019 on teaching about neural networks through a participatory simulation.

Emergence video

Posted July 27, 2018 by sgibbs

A portion of a PBS NOVA video discussing the concept of emergence (or complex adaptive systems) where patterns emerge in nature where agents follow simple rules.

Crash Course on Design Thinking

Posted April 3, 2017 by turtle

A 90-minute "virtual crash course" on Design Thinking, by Stanford University. A resource for teachers. "Using the video, handouts, and facilitation tips below, we will take you step by step through the process of hosting or participating in a 90 minute design challenge. Through this experience we hope you will take away some of the basic principles of Design Thinking and start to adapt them into your personal and professional routines"

Rubric ideas for assessing computer models

Posted April 5, 2017 by turtle

In December 2015, teachers were asked for their ideas on 4 important criteria to include in any rubric used to assess computer models. Here are their ideas, in a forum discussion.

Computational Science video

Posted June 2, 2017 by sgibbs

A short video (1:27) on the computational science cycle, used in Project GUTS CS in Science (Modules 2-4).

Data and Data Analysis video

Posted July 3, 2017 by sgibbs

A very short video (0.36) introducing the concepts of data and data analysis from StarLogo Nova models.

Workshop Planning Guide

Posted August 4, 2017 by sgibbs

A list of factors to consider for facilitators and school districts or partner organizations in planning a workshop.

Block-based agent-based modeling tool based on Scratch

Posted September 25, 2017 by Rizzi

Cellular is an agent-based modeling tool that uses a Scratch-like interface and allows teachers and students to create models and simulations in a very easy way. This makes this tool suitable to introduce ABM into the Primary level but also in Middle & High School taking advantage of previous students experience with Scratch. Cellular is based on Snap wich it's also based on Scratch. And you can also work off-line!!

CS in Science: Module 1: Intro and Epidemiology slide presentation

Posted July 27, 2018 by sgibbs

A slide presentation for CS in Science Module 1. Teachers can download and modify this for classroom use. Be sure to click on the desired link below, as different versions of the slide presentations correspond to StarLogo Nova 1.0 (flash version) and StarLogo Nova 2.0 (HTML5/JavaScript version).

CS in Science Module 2: Water Resources slide presentation

Posted July 27, 2018 by sgibbs

These slide presentations are for CS in Science Module 2: Water Resources. Please be sure to use the relevant link below, for either StarLogo Nova 1.0 (flash version) or StarLogo Nova 2.0. Also, note there is a different presentation for CS in Science Module 2: Climate Change. Teachers can download and modify these slides for classroom use.

CS in Science Module 5: Greenhouse Gases slide presentation

Posted July 27, 2018 by sgibbs

This slide presentation can be used for CS in Science Module 5: Greenhouse Gases. Teachers can download and modify this presentation for classroom use. Also note that this presentation was specifically developed for use in a module exploring climate change and water, but the first several slides include good general information.

The Greenhouse Effect

Posted July 27, 2018 by sgibbs

A short video on the basics of the greenhouse effect, used in CS in Science, Module 2 (Greenhouse gas model).

Pair Programming video

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

This short video (2:51 minutes) features two middle school girls describing and practicing pair programming. It is a great introduction to this method of learning programming and creating models.

Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling Video

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

This short video (3:13 minutes) introduces complex adaptive systems and agent-based modeling concepts to middle-school students. It shows beautiful footage of birds flocking as an example of a complex adaptive system.

NGSS Standards

Posted October 14, 2019 by ilee

Document highlighting the conceptual shifts in the Next Generation Science Standards

Simulación de un brote de Dengue

Posted March 29, 2017 by Rizzi

Este modelo simula la transmisión del virus del dengue en un barrio de cuatro manzanas durante 180 días. El vector del virus es el mosquito Aedes egyptii. La simulación muestra un gráfico con la evolución del brote (el cambio en la cantidad de personas sanas y de personas infectadas), otro gráfico con la evolución de la población de mosquitos y unos monitores que indican el estado de la población de mosquitos y cuántas personas fueron infectadas.

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