Find Resources and SLNova Computer Science Concepts

Posted May 13, 2017 by kristico

This is a 4 week unit for a Computer Technology class in a middle school. Students are introduced to computer science concepts through lessons in's Course 3. Students then apply those concepts in SLNova projects.

Computational Thinking

Posted December 2, 2016 by turtle

This video introduces computational thinking. It was produced by Project GUTS with

Dispositions and Classroom Culture

Posted December 2, 2016 by turtle

In this video, GUTS teachers talk about instilling dispositions and classroom culture that supports scientific inquiry and the development of computational thinking.

Pioneros (Trailblazers)

Posted March 28, 2017 by Rizzi

Pioneros (Trailblazers) es una actividad divertida con lápiz y papel donde los estudiantes escriben instrucciones sencillas para que otro estudiante navegue por un laberinto. Las instrucciones se dibujan en el laberinto como comandos (si el cuadrado es rojo, gire a la derecha, etc.) y luego los estudiantes intercambian papeles para navegar por el laberinto siguiendo solamente los comandos. Esta es una actividad preliminar para la actividad de codificación de las tortugas chocadoras.

El Juego de la pesca (La Tragedia de los Comunes)

Posted March 29, 2017 by Rizzi

El Juego de la Pesca utiliza el concepto de Tragedia de los Comunes (Hardin, 1968) para trabajar sobre sustentabilidad. El jugador (pescador) tiene 10 días para atrapar tantos peces como pueda para alimentar a su familia. Cada día, el pescador puede elegir pescar uno, dos o tres peces, o no pescar ninguno. Hay otros dos pescadores que también tratan de capturar tantos peces como puedan. El lago en el que se pesca sólo puede soportar 20 peces (que es la capacidad de carga del lago).

Dengue outbreak simulation

Posted March 29, 2017 by Rizzi

This model simulates the transmission of the dengue virus in a neighborhood of four blocks during 180 (one hundred and eighty) days. The vector of the virus is the mosquito Aedes egyptii. The simulation shows a chart of the evolution of the outbreak (the change in the number of healthy people and infected people), another graph with the evolution of the mosquito population and some monitors that indicate the state of the mosquito population and how many people were infected.

Simulación de un brote de Dengue

Posted March 29, 2017 by Rizzi

Este modelo simula la transmisión del virus del dengue en un barrio de cuatro manzanas durante 180 días. El vector del virus es el mosquito Aedes egyptii. La simulación muestra un gráfico con la evolución del brote (el cambio en la cantidad de personas sanas y de personas infectadas), otro gráfico con la evolución de la población de mosquitos y unos monitores que indican el estado de la población de mosquitos y cuántas personas fueron infectadas.

Computational Science video

Posted June 2, 2017 by sgibbs

A short video (1:27) on the computational science cycle, used in Project GUTS CS in Science (Modules 2-4).

Code Blocks for CS in Science Module 1: Intro to Computer Science & Simulation

Posted July 27, 2018 by sgibbs

Here are links to the Code Blocks for CS in Science Module 1, for StarLogo Nova 1.0 (Flash version), and the Code Blocks for CS in Science Module 1 for StarLogo Nova 2.0 (HTML5/JavaScript version). This is not the one-page Blocks and Drawers Guide for StarLogo Nova (those documents are linked below).

Guides, Common Forms, and Activity Sheets for CS in Science Modules

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

This 56-page pdf includes printable copies of the Student Activity Guides, Common Forms, Blocks Guides, CS Concepts, and Progress Monitors for Modules 1-4 of CS in Science. This version was created in 2015, for StarLogo Nova 1.0. If using StarLogo Nova 2.0, search for the Blocks guides attached to each module.

Model Observation Form

Posted July 27, 2018 by ilee

This form is used to capture a learner's thinking while observing a model.

Cookbook for Common Codes for StarLogo Nova 1.0 and StarLogo Nova 2.0

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

The links below include explanations and screen shots for common codes in both versions of StarLogo Nova, including setting up the world, creating and renaming breeds, using default traits and creating custom traits, random and wiggle walks, coordinates and using 3-D view, using keyboard controls, using widgets including sliders, data boxes, charts and line graphs, terrain color, using collisions, creating a stop code, and teaching agents to chase or run away from other agents.

Pair Programming video

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

This short video (2:51 minutes) features two middle school girls describing and practicing pair programming. It is a great introduction to this method of learning programming and creating models.

Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling Video

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

This short video (3:13 minutes) introduces complex adaptive systems and agent-based modeling concepts to middle-school students. It shows beautiful footage of birds flocking as an example of a complex adaptive system.

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