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Physics+C — Electricity: Series Circuits

Posted June 13, 2024 by bperret

This unit reviews concepts in electricity, including Ohm’s law and series circuit design. The model allows students to explore the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance and the connection between current and the average velocity of electrons in a circuit.

Chemistry+C — Matter: Physical Change of Salt in Water

Posted June 13, 2024 by bperret

This unit reviews concepts related to matter. Students will gain a deeper understanding of processes involved in the physical change of an ionic compound dissolving in water and how it can be represented and demonstrated using computer models.

Chemistry+C — Titration: Acid-base Neutralization

Posted June 13, 2024 by bperret

This unit reviews concepts related to acid-base chemistry. It provides students with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of processes involved in chemical reactions and how they can be represented and demonstrated using computer models.

Physics+C — Kinematics I: Car on a Ramp

Posted June 13, 2024 by bperret

This unit reviews concepts related to kinematics and the motion of a car on a ramp. It provides students with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of concepts used to describe motion, including displacement, velocity, and acceleration.

Chemistry+C — Redox: Electrolysis within a Battery

Posted June 13, 2024 by bperret

This unit reviews concepts of oxidation and reduction through electrolysis. It provides students with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of processes involved in influencing the equilibrium of charges within a battery and how it can be represented and demonstrated using computer models.

Chemistry+C — Kinetics: Rate of Reactions

Posted June 13, 2024 by bperret

This unit reviews concepts of kinetics and rates of reaction. It provides students with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of processes involved in changing the reaction speed and how it can be represented and demonstrated using computer models.

Chemistry+C — Periodic Trends: Ionic Compound Interactions

Posted June 13, 2024 by bperret

This unit reviews concepts in atomic structure and then provides students with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the size of an atom as the number of valence electrons increases and the interactions with other atoms.

Chemistry+C — Chemical Reactions: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

Posted June 13, 2024 by bperret

This unit reviews concepts of a commonly known chemical reaction concept (conservation of matter) and then provides students with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of processes involved in the energy transfer during a chemical reaction and how it can be represented and demonstrated using computer models.

Physics+C — Simple Harmonic Motion: Mass on a Spring

Posted June 13, 2024 by bperret

This unit reviews simple harmonic motion through experiments with a NetLogo model that simulates a horizontal mass-spring system. The model allows students to displace a mass that is attached to a horizontal spring and observe the motion of the mass.

Physics+C — Kinematics II: Motion of a Ball

Posted June 13, 2024 by bperret

This unit reviews concepts related to kinematics and the motion of a ball near the Earth’s surface. It provides students with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of 1-dimensional motion (a ball falling and accelerating due to gravity, a ball rolling on a horizontal frictionless surface) and/or 2-dimensional motion (projectile motion) and how it can be represented and demonstrated using computer models.

Physics+C — Nuclear Physics: Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment

Posted June 13, 2024 by bperret

This unit reviews the structure of the atom through experiments with a NetLogo model that simulates Rutherford’s gold foil experiment. The model allows students to shoot alpha particles at a gold foil and observe any changes in the path of the alpha particles.

Skill Building Deck

Posted June 12, 2019 by ilee

A slide deck of exercises to build CS and decoding skills

What's Represented?

Posted June 12, 2019 by ilee

These exercises ask the learner to identify abstractions in the computer model as compared to a diagram or image of a natural phenomenon.

Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling Video

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

This short video (3:13 minutes) introduces complex adaptive systems and agent-based modeling concepts to middle-school students. It shows beautiful footage of birds flocking as an example of a complex adaptive system.

Walk & Turn for StarLogo Nova

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

This is the CS in Science, Module 1, Activity 1 activity. Students participate in an activity acting as agents, then view a computer model, to introduce concepts of computer science and complex adaptive systems.

Coding Challenges

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

Coding Challenge are a series of short challenges that focus on improving coding skills using StarLogo Nova. Each set of challenges focuses on a specific concept: degrees & heading, x & y coordinates and randomness, conditions including absolute value and percent chance, adding color to the terrain and repeat loops, using the z coordinate, and other computer science concepts (logic blocks, data collection),.

Debugging Challenges for StarLogo Nova

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

These challenges ask students to identify and correct common coding errors within StarLogo Nova programs. The first challenge is generic, all others relate to the content area module from CS in Science. Students like to solve the problems and fix the code, and learn about debugging skills while engaging further with content area modules. It is also a good review for instructions/facilitators before building code with students.

The Greenhouse Effect

Posted July 27, 2018 by sgibbs

A short video on the basics of the greenhouse effect, used in CS in Science, Module 2 (Greenhouse gas model).

Complex or Complicated?

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

Complex or Complicated uses a slide presentation to create a whole class game-show like activity that is used to engage students in argument from evidence and refine students' understanding of complex adaptive systems.

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