Past events

Project GUTS CS in Science regional PD workshop at PUMP-CS PD Week (Wisconsin)


This is Project GUTS' PD that is part of the PUMP-CS PD Summits.

The course is designed to integrate Computer Science (CS) concepts into existing middle school science classes, especially in contexts in which a standalone CS course is not available. Helps students from all different backgrounds to engage in scientific inquiry by investigating topics of interest to their local communities and sharing their experiments and findings.

Project GUTS CS in Science PD workshop at NM CS PD WEEK


Project GUTS’ CS in Science workshop offers interactive instruction from an experienced GUTS facilitators including an introduction to computer science, pedagogy, curriculum overview, and practice with the StarLogo Nova programming environment. The CS in Science curriculum features: use of a block-based programming environment on the web (; daily lesson plans for teachers, videos, and supplemental extension resources; a modular design that allows for a variety of classroom implementations; and alignment to national science (NGSS) and computer science (CSTA) standards.

Project GUTS Facilitator PD Summit

In person

This will be our 3rd Facilitator Summit where our corps of national facilitators comes together to prepare for future workshops and sharpen our skills.

Friday: arrival in afternoon/evening, check in at hotel.

Saturday: Full day of planning and preparation - Group dinner

Sunday: Full day of planning and preparation - BBQ at Constitution Marina

Monday: Half-day of closing discussion and goals for the year.

Project GUTS at NM EPSCoR Interdisciplinary Working Group workshop

In person

Project GUTS was invited to participate in the NM EPSCoR Interdisciplinary Innovation Working Group (I-IWG) workshop on New Mexico Computational Science Pathway: an Integral Part of NM’s Cyberinfrastructure for Research and Education.  At this workshop, participants will discuss computer science pathways in New Mexico (what currently exists in New Mexico? What populations are served by these? then begin to map out pathways, starting with K-12 through higher education and ending with employment.

Teachers with GUTS Design Workshop

In person

Teachers with GUTS will be offering a curriculum design workshop for returning Project GUTS teachers.  The workshop will be held the week of July 31-August 4th at a location to be announced.

Google doc for workshop

Computer Modeling Can Do What? (Imagination Toolbox 2017 Summer PD)

In person

This summer, the Museum Institute for Teaching Science (MITS) will offer a one-week Summer Professional Development Institute in partnership with MIT Scheller Teacher Education Program. The July 31 – August 4, 2017 institute will provide an opportunity for middle and high school educators to use StarLogo Nova’s block programming platform and Imagination Toolbox curriculum materials to create computational models or simulations.

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