What to translate for ELL students.

Posted May 15, 2017 by ilee

A Teachers with GUTS cohort 1 teacher suggests that when teaching mono-lingual Spanish speaking students, it is only necessary to translate the definitions of term and blocks, not the term or block name itself.  The name should be kept in English because that is how the student will encounter it in the curriculum and in the modeling and simulation environment.


Submitted by slberube on Tue, 05/30/2017 - 17:48 · Permalink

Thank you for the tip! Does anyone have a sheet with these already translated? 

Submitted by ilee on Tue, 05/30/2017 - 21:00 · Permalink

Here's one from Rizzi: https://teacherswithguts.org/resources/guia-de-conceptos-de-ciencias-de-la-computacion

and another one: https://teacherswithguts.org/resources/guia-de-referencia-de-bloques-de-starlogo-nova