According to Baldwin, models are learning artifacts that can be designed, created, and discussed in the act of constructing learning. Modeling is based on the philosophy of Piaget who considered modeling a form of constructionist learning. Using models help students to manipulate mathematics and scientific objects and conduct inquiry in new ways, while at the same time, assessing and reinforcing content knowledge. Models help students to think and to show their mental pictures explicitly. Modeling is allows multiple entry points and targets multiple intelligences. Modeling allows students to create and test hypotheses, stemming from simply, “what if?” Modeling, therefore, helps students to test scenarios and real world data, and share their findings with others. As such, students should always be given opportunities to test and share their thinking. The “Use, Modify, Create model shows that students examine and analyze a model, understand that the rules can be changed and change them as necessary, and then create their own model - a process that enhances deep learning.
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