For each Lesson in Module 2, reflect on how you would teach this in your class, focusing on one of the following components of the lesson (choose a different component for each lesson/reflection in this Module).
- Lesson Objectives
- Teaching Summary (do activities or estimated times need to be changed?)
- Suggested Assessment Questions
- Standards
- Responsiveness to various student needs
Post your reflection here.
I would not deviate from the prescribed lesson outline. As a warm-up, I may ask what the students know about weather and climate. The vocabulary words I would emphasize are: climate, weather, greenhouse gases, carbon footprint, and pollution. When reviewing the Greenhouse Gases model, I would look for the students to start decoding the code little assistance. This is the 2nd module; the students should begin to take more ownership of their learning.
In regards to the learning objectives, I am not sure that LO6 can be assessed. What proof do I use to show the students that the models are important for climate change predictions?
I strongly support the learning objectives and sequence for this lesson, but I feel like this content will be entirely new for my scholars so we'll need to spend more time going into depth about each section.
For that reason, I would split this lesson into 3 days, one for each section.
On day 1, we would discuss their interpretation of climate change, then watch the EPA video and talk about what the difference is between climate and weather. To dive further into climate as a complex system, we would have to discuss what the different components of weather are and how they interact.
On day 2, we would talk about the greenhouse effect and how energy is trapped to help make Earth habitable. Then we would look at the Carbon Footprint activity to see how our personal actions are affecting the amount of greenhouse gases released.
On day 3, we would explore the GHG model and how CO2 interacts with the infrared heat bouncing off the Earth's surface.
In reply to kcwgtt:
Models are super important for predicting weather forecasts, so you could use that as an example that's immediately relatable. You can ask them about the weather for the week or even pull it up on and use that as an example.
From there, you can extrapolate to explain that climate is just in longer terms with even more information.