CAS Introductory activity

Posted July 29, 2016 by wdove

Can we have a variety of introductory activities in addition to Turn and Walk linked to the Module 1 introduction to CASs? Turn and Walk is useful, but when the students are offered this material across multiple school years, new activities would be helpful. 


Submitted by turtle on Mon, 12/05/2016 - 17:32 · Permalink

Hi Wendy -- I posted a link recently listing some ideas about GUTS activities to use as alternatives when you have repeating students or others who are already familiar with the basic intro activities.  Please add any others you come up with -- we can use new ideas!

Here's a link:

or on the TWiG page, you can click on Resources, then Activities and it should be listed in the top few, or use the search function to look for "Other activities."  Hope this helps!
