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Facilitator Resources (2023)

Posted June 11, 2023 by wellina

The following resources are created by Project GUTS facilitators to help prepare for 2023 GUTS workshops

Skill Building Deck

Posted June 12, 2019 by ilee

A slide deck of exercises to build CS and decoding skills

CS Concepts Guide

Posted July 27, 2018 by turtle

This is a guide to CS concepts in the order they are introduced in the CS in Science modules.

Debugging Guide

Posted May 26, 2018 by sgibbs

A short guide for identifying and fixing common bugs in StarLogo Nova 2.0.

StarLogo NOVA 2.0: ¿Qué cambió y qué es lo nuevo?

Posted September 25, 2017 by Rizzi

Spanish version of "SLNOVA 2.0: WHAT'S CHANGED OR NEW".

Versión en español del documento "SLNOVA 2.0: WHAT'S CHANGED OR NEW" con la comparación entre ambas versiones y el detalle de las nuevas funcionalidades de SLNOVA 2.0

The Giraffe and the Platypus

Posted June 12, 2017 by sgibbs

This is an activity that allows teachers in a workshop to experience and explore the equity issue involved in differences in background knowledge of students.

El Juego de la pesca (La Tragedia de los Comunes)

Posted March 29, 2017 by Rizzi

El Juego de la Pesca utiliza el concepto de Tragedia de los Comunes (Hardin, 1968) para trabajar sobre sustentabilidad. El jugador (pescador) tiene 10 días para atrapar tantos peces como pueda para alimentar a su familia. Cada día, el pescador puede elegir pescar uno, dos o tres peces, o no pescar ninguno. Hay otros dos pescadores que también tratan de capturar tantos peces como puedan. El lago en el que se pesca sólo puede soportar 20 peces (que es la capacidad de carga del lago).


Posted December 7, 2016 by turtle

Project GUTS presented the CS in Science curriculum modules in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The links below will allow you access to the original MOOC site, to see not only the written curriculum but also screencasts of building the related StarLogo Nova models and other background information for teachers and facilitators. The MOOC was also translated in Spanish (see link below).

For the 2017 course, please go to

If you can't find what you're looking for, send us a comment about what you were expecting to find.