White House Announcements about Project GUTS for Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek)

Submitted by ilee on December 5, 2016
POTUS Code image from https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2016/01/30/computer-science-all


We are pleased to announce that the United States Office of Science and Technology Programs (US OSTP) announced Project GUTS' commitments during CS Education Week.  Our specific commitments are:

Project GUTS will develop an online community space called "teacherswithguts.org" where teachers can share experiences and lessons on integrating computer science in science through computer modeling and simulation.  This online network will serve the 2000+ teachers and facilitators in the Project GUTS community by March 2017. Project GUTS will offer an online teacher professional development course on computer modeling and simulation featuring the latest version of MIT Scheller Teacher Education Program's StarLogo Nova. This course aims to address the needs of 500 middle and high school science teachers who are preparing to incorporate modern scientific practices of computer modeling and simulation and computational thinking into their science classrooms.

See the full press release at https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/12/05/fact-sheet-year-action-supporting-computer-science-all

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