NSTA Executive Director, David Evans, while an advocate for CS education does not believe computer science should be able to count as a science graduation credit. In the NSTA community blog (http://nstacommunities.org/blog/2016/10/17/computer-science-should-supplement-not-supplant-science-education/) of October 17th he stated his view that "Computer Science Should Supplement, not Supplant Science Education."
His solution? He proposes the teaching of the "basics of CS through regular K–8 math and science classes (perhaps using Project GUTS and Bootstrap as models of how to do so), then promote the Exploring Computer Science course for all kids (but calling it ‘Problem Solving and Computational Thinking’) so math and science (and CTE) teachers can teach it." His rationale is that time should not be taken away from Science and Math instruction. Instead, students can develop skills and competencies in problem solving in STEM classrooms that embrace and integrate computer science. "Instead of competing with the limited time now dedicated across the K12 curriculum for teaching science, we need to work together toward a solution that incorporates all the STEM disciplines."
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